Do you qualify for rebates?

Start with an energy audit. 

(414) 873-4945

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Focus on Energy has a fantastic rebate program available for making energy-saving home improvements on your home. Weatherization Services saved our customers $349,000 last year with Focus on Energy rebates.

What Qualifies for Focus on Energy Rebates?

Many home energy efficiency upgrades meet the Focus on Energy rebate criteria. Weatherization Services completes these qualifying upgrades:

Rebates for Insulation and Air Sealing

Wisconsin residents can save big with insulation rebates. When air sealing and insulating your home, you could qualify for up to $2,250 rebates if you meet income requirements, or $2,000 if your annual income is above the limit. Weatherization Services can perform the required home energy audit to qualify for rebate funding and complete the job from start to finish.

Rebates for HVAC Upgrades with Smart Thermostats

High-efficiency forced-air natural gas furnaces with a smart thermostat can qualify for up to $650 in furnace rebates. Save up to $850 in rebates with an energy-efficient furnace and air conditioner with a smart thermostat.

Are There Income Requirements for These Residential Energy Rebates?

There are no income requirements to qualify for the program overall. However, there are slightly larger rebates available for qualified participants. The annual income limit to qualify for a larger incentive depends on the size of the household.

Starts with Our $500 Home Energy Audit

To qualify for Focus on Energy rebates, a home energy audit is required. Contact Weatherization Services today to get started with our home energy audit.

Do your energy-efficiency upgrades qualify for Focus on Energy rebates? Contact us to schedule your home energy audit today!

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