The Weatherization Services team understands the importance of a properly functioning water heater. Our team provides a variety of services to cut your energy bills and promote home safety.
Does Your Gas Water Heater Vent Properly?
If your water heater isn’t venting properly, it can backdraft hazardous exhaust fumes into your home. This creates a safety hazard. The Weatherization Services team is skilled in solving home safety issues. If your gas water heater is backdrafting, you can qualify for $200 in Focus on Energy rebates to correct the issue with a high-efficiency water heater.
Electric to Gas Conversion
Did you know you could save $300 to $400 a year on your energy bills by switching from an electric water heater to a gas water heater? Electric to gas conversions are an excellent way to cut your monthly energy bills. The Weatherization Services team completes conversions from start to finish, including running the gas pipe to the water heater. We can install ENERGY STAR-certified units for greater energy savings.
Save Money with an Energy Efficient Water Heater
Did you know that water heating commonly accounts for 15 to 20 percent of your total home energy use? Installing a high-efficiency unit is a great way to cut your bills for the life of the unit. We install a variety of replacement water heaters and can help you find one that serves your needs and fits the budget.
Home Safety is Our Top Priority
During our $500 energy audit and when installing replacement water heaters, we ensure that the unit is venting properly and that all fumes are going up through the chimney to the outside. The Weatherization Services team puts your safety first.
Weatherization Services: Your Energy-Saving Experts
Since 2008, we have been serving the greater Milwaukee area, including Kenosha, Racine, Whitefish Bay, and Glendale. We are a one-stop shop for home energy efficiency upgrades throughout your home. Our team is committed to home safety and comfort. We go the extra mile to get the job done right.
Looking for a water heater installation contractor you can trust? Contact us or call
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Does your home have high energy bills and comfort issues? If so, we can give you an estimate on our insulation service. Many Milwaukee-area homes have insufficient insulation, resulting in high... Read more